Customized pelvic floor therapy in Baltimore, MD

Moms in Baltimore deserve good postpartum care.

Helping women

navigate the transition through motherhood

to feel confident in their bodies,

competent in their roles

and connected to their family + community.


Becoming a mom is transormative, but recovery from childbirth is difficult + not just physically. No one prepares you for the combination of physical + emotional challenges of birth recovery. And let’s be honest….a six-week check-up just isn’t enough.


Experiencing bladder + bowel leaks

  • Stress + urge urinary incontinence

  • Fecal incontinence

  • Constipation or hemorrhoids

  • Painful bladder symptoms + interstitial cystitis

Vaginal and Cesarean birth recovery for Baltimore moms.

Having difficulty resuming intimacy due to pain, lack of desire or just simply feeling exhausted all the time

  • Pelvic pain + pain with sex

  • Vulvodynia

  • Vaginismus

  • Feeling “touched out”

Baltimore moms don't have to live with urinary or fecal incontinence.

Feeling disconnected from your body + nervous about exercising again

  • Pelvic organ prolapse (cystocele, rectocele or uterine prolapse)

  • Returning to movement + fitness safely

  • Evolving menstrual cycles + symptoms

Tightness in your neck, stiffness in your low back + pain in your hips all throughout the day

  • Back, hip + pelvic pain

  • Scars from C-section, vaginal tearing, episiotomy or other birth injury

  • Abdominal weakness + diastasis recti (DR)

  • Discomfort during everyday mothering tasks (feeding, babywearing, changing, lifting)

Baltimore moms don't have to live with tightness, pain, weakness or discomfort.

Struggling to balance being a new mom + feeling overwhelmed with fitting everything in

  • Recovering after childbirth (vaginal + C-section delivery)

  • Managing changes to identity, values, roles + routines

  • Feelings of anxiety, depression or general depletion

  • Fitting in practical + meaningful self-care

Baltimore mothers deserve to feel good postpartum.

At Rhythm + Ritual we believe in thriving,

not just surviving after childbirth.

Here’s how we help:


    Your pelvic floor is like any other muscle in your body—it needs to be able to move over a range of motion. Most leaking is resolved after we work on your pelvic floor’s natural range of motion.


    Experiencing pain is incredibly common postpartum. But with our holistic approach + innovative strategies, we can help reduce the pain symptoms + give you a wide variety of techniques to start enjoying intimacy again. No matter how long it’s been.


    Being a mom takes its toll physically + emotionally. We know that the answer isn’t to just give you a set of exercises + send you on your way. We work with you on strategies to move pain-free, feel less overwhelmed + more confident in your new role. And we do it in a way that fits into YOUR lifestyle.

A holistic approach to pelvic floor therapy in Baltimore, MD that relies on collaboration to build self-trust, empowerment + connection.

For every Mother feeling overwhelmed + under-supported….you're not alone.

The journey of motherhood is transformative, filled with moments of joy, challenges, + unexpected turns. Perhaps you've felt the weight of postpartum recovery, both physically + emotionally. Maybe you've whispered to yourself, "Why didn't anyone tell me about this?" or "Is this just my new normal?"

You deserve a guide, someone who understands not just the clinical side of things, but the raw, real emotions + challenges of becoming a mother. Someone who's been there.


Lexy Martinez, your pelvic floor therapist in Baltimore, Maryland.

I know 100% how difficult navigating the postpartum world can be.

All three times I was pregnant, I felt supported by my team—the midwives, doula, chiropractor, my husband. I attended childbirth classes, went to prenatal yoga + read all the books.

My births were successful in my eyes. My babies were healthy and I had birthed the way I wanted to, with no injuries to speak of. I felt strong + empowered because of all that my body was able to do.

I went for my six-week check-up + was given the “all clear” to return to sex + exercise. I was told to do my Kegels (sound familiar?) + to give things time to get back to “normal”. I was sent on my way. Nobody told me that there a totally new normal to figure out.

Most days I relished getting to know my new babies. But there were days that I felt alone, stressed out with the demands of caring for my growing family + my home, not to mention taking care of my own physical + emotional needs, which seemed to fall by the wayside. I had to work really hard to stay on top of all the things. And it got harder with the birth of each child.

I quickly discovered I wasn’t alone. Many moms felt this way.

After my first child was born, I attended a weekly breastfeeding circle to connect with other new moms. And the same things kept coming up. Pee leaks. Sex that felt totally different than before (if it was happening at all). Wanting to exercise, but feeling unsure if or when it was safe. All the aches + pains of feeding/lifting/carrying a baby. Hormone changes that were probably just from breastfeeding, but maybe there was something else going on….

The overall vibe was “nobody told me”. And nobody knew who they could go to for support.

But being in the healthcare field myself, I knew instinctively that it wasn’t just about Kegels + giving it time—that it didn’t all come naturally. There had to be better support for mothers. There had to be a way to not just survive postpartum, but to thrive.

I made it my life’s mission to become a pelvic floor therapist who could provide the type of support, guidance + holistic lens I felt was missing for mothers.

And so Rhythm + Ritual Pelvic Health was born. You don’t have to navigate the physical + emotional impacts of motherhood alone.

I invite you to book a free consultation below.

Lexy Martinez, your pelvic floor therapist in Baltimore, MD

Talk to me about….


Stress + urge urinary incontinence

Fecal incontinence

Constipation or hemorrhoids

Painful bladder symptoms

Interstitial cystitis


Pelvic pain + pain with sex



Support for reconnecting with your partner


Posture + breathing for core function

Return to exercise

Embed fitness into everyday mothering tasks

Explore new movement + routines


Navigate changes to identity + values, roles + routines

Tools for managing depression, anxiety + stress

Practical self-care strategies


Fourth Trimester Planning

Scar tissue release + recovery

Pelvic organ prolapse

Diastasi recti

Home management

Mental + emotional health


Changes during pregnancy + after birth

Menstrual cycles

Prepare for transition through perimenopause

Our Process

Step 1:

Free Consultation

This is a 20-minute no-obligation video call to talk about what is happening for you + the challenges you face.

We’ll chat about the approaches I use + what our work together might look like.

Step 2:

Comprehensive Evaluation

Evaluations are 90 minutes + are provided in the comfort of your own home.  

We’ll chat about what’s working well + what you want to achieve through our work. 

I’ll usually take a look at your overall breathing, posture + movement patterns to see how these may be impacting the issues you’re having.

We’ll explore options for your pelvic floor assessment. You get to decide if a pelvic exam feels right on this visit.  

Finally, we’ll develop a plan of care together to achieve your goals.

Step 3:

Tailored Treatment Plan

Follow-up visits incorporate a variety of movement, hands-on bodywork + education. The specific topics we cover are informed by your personal goals, which may change over time.

Working with me is always a partnership. We’ll work together to come up with a menu of options that works for your body + your lifestyle.

I guide you every step of the way to help you feel informed, safe + connected to your pelvic floor. 

What are you waiting for?

Take the first step toward pelvic health today.

The Maternal Journal

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